What You Should Have in Your Arsenal to Protect the Body from The Hazards of Old Man Winter


Winter months comes with its own set of problems such as stress from the holidays, cold temperatures, winter blues (depression), limited physical activity, increased weight gain, and exposures to bacterial and viral infections. These unhealthy conditions can wreak havoc on the body, leading to a sudden drop in your immune system and predisposing you to diseases. Do not despair as you can add certain foods and nutrients to your winter arsenal to boost and protect your immune system and support your overall general health.

Zinc–Zinc is an amazing mineral because is not only capable of reducing the severity and duration of the common cold, but it can significantly impact on supporting the immune system, promote healing, reduce inflammation, and lower anxiety.  Foods high in zinc are beef, shrimp, cooked greens, pinto beans, flax and pumpkin seeds, and chickpeas.

Selenium–Selenium acts as an antioxidant that binds free radicals to protect cells against oxidative stress and degeneration, and can modulate the immune system. Fresh garlic, Brazil nuts, yellow fin tuna, pork, beef, mushrooms, and oatmeal are high in selenium.

Probiotics–Probiotics can reduce inflammation, heal digestive tract, aid in digestion, and modulate/strengthen the immune response.  Additionally, these friendly bacteria can also reduced anxiety and depression-related behavior.  In addition to probiotic supplements, you can eat probiotic foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, or yogurt if you can tolerate dairy.

Vitamin D3 & Mushrooms–During the winter months people are deprived of natural sun light, placing them at risk of becoming deficient in vitamin D3. Clinical studies have strong empirical data that shows vitamin D3 can reduce and improve symptoms of depression and anxiety as well a builds the immune system.  Foods high in vitamin D3 are fatty fish (salmon, tuna, or mackerel), eggs, and mushrooms. Mushrooms contain beta-glucans that is responsible for immunomodulatory properties, protection against bacteria and viruses, lowering inflammation, and reducing phlegm.

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